What is faux-neon?

Not all faux-neon (LED) signs are the same. Faux-neon signs are now available for the business and consumer to purchase. However the quality, material and dimension of the signs are hardly the same. Faux-neon signs we supply are 3rd and 4th generation faux-neon. Our signs are technologically different from what the consumer or business is able to purchase on the internet.

Faux-neon (LED) signs have come along way from the rope lighting of the 90’s. Faux-neon uses low voltage LEDs to create the appearance of a neon sign - with this comes a hold load of benefits. Unlike traditional neon, faux-neon lettering can be produced in almost any shape. Offering unique coloration as well. This can include color changing RGB patterns.

Is a traditional neon signs better than a faux-neon sign

Undoubtedly, the best way to attract the attention of customers to your business. Is by bright lights and an eye-catching sign outside your store. By nature, humans are attracted to visuals. An effective sign is guaranteed to garner attention to a business.

If you are looking for the most energy efficient lighting or signage option. Then LED faux-neon signs, use less secondary power than neon. An LED faux-neon sign is the clear choice. As it can be up to 10x more energy efficient than the same sign made with glass neon tubes. Versatility - LED lights come in a much wider range of colors. Additional the signs design can be bent more tightly. This will give your sign: better options as regards shapes and yours signs message.

Neon signs were initially a favorite amongst business owners for advertising but the faux-neon market has now taken over. Information below: we aim to go into a detailed discussion educating you on the key differences between both sign types. So you decide which sign type is most suitable.

Consumer Signage: Faux-neon signs are now readily available. They have become “art” and have been used as home decor. Safe to use. They make a statement about yourself and personal hobbies. Brighter and three dimensional faux-neon signs can be seen to those entering your room or home.

What are LED lights?

Light Emitting Diode is what LED means. This is the technology used to create LED lights and faux-neon signs. LEDs are closely strung together and each bulb emits a light. The LED’s overlap with the other and creates a steady source of light. LED lights are wrapped in a polymer jacket, which protects them from shipping damage. This means LED signs are more protected than neon lights. The faux-neon LED light colors are solid, as opposed to the varied hues that glow on neon signs.

What are neon lights?

Traditional neon lighting comes in a hand-crafted glass tube, with light created. As a result of inert gas releasing energy, which in turn emits a fluorescent color. A neon sign burns brightly at night. While neon signs are beautifully crafted, they are very fragile and prone to damage when incorrectly handled. Most internet neon sign purchases are known to arrive damaged. If a neon tube is damaged, the entire tube will need to be replaced. There are very few neon technicians available to make this costly repair. This means that the flow of gas will stop automatically in order to prevent any further accidents. The sign will not light. Because of this protective feature, and the attractive display of neon signs, many businesses still prefer neon signage.

Cost differences

The cost difference between neon and faux-neon signs depends on the size of the sign being created. Larger outdoor faux-neon signs are about 40% cheaper than neon signs. A plexiglas mounted faux neon sign is about 1/3 the price of a comparable neon sign. Therefore when considering large and small signs: faux-neon signs are more cost effective. Also, in terms of maintenance, faux-neon signs do not require an expert for installation, maintenance and replacement. Thereby producing more cost savings in comparison to neon signs.

Energy Efficiency

Faux-Neon Signs has less power consumption than traditional neon signs. If you look at some figures: Large neon displays need an input voltage of about 3000-18000V, creating high energy costs and greater safety concerns. The neon gases used to produce neon tubing are harmful to the environment. Quite often neon power supplies run hot creating possible problems and failures.

LEDs used in faux-neon signs have a very low power voltage. These signs light with traditional household current of 110. A power supply is required. Input voltage is a mere 24-120V, meaning lower electricity costs and more safety.

Safety and Installation

Faux-neon signs require no special installation needed; simply hang it on your wall just like any other piece of art. Neon signs requires a special installation due to its weight, fragility and power requirements. In terms of safety, LED lights are encased with flexible material and attached to plexiglas. Faux-Neon doesn’t heat up like glass neon signs, so there’s no risk of breakage or fire.

Curb Appeal and Aesthetics

Neon and faux-neon signs both have their own way of capturing attention. Some believe that the vintage style neon signs are more attractive. Its traditional appeal, warm hues provide welcoming light emission. Nevertheless, the bright and modern look of faux-neon signs are popular and overtaking neon.

Key components of a LED Faux-Neon Sign

LED unit board comprises the LED module, driver chip and the printed circuit board. This entire board is made up of tiny LED dots encapsulated by resin or plastic silicone.

Wires: power cables, data cables and transmission lines are contained in the back of the sign.

Power source: depends on the characteristics of the faux-neon sign. Keep in mind – a high quality power supply source will prevent breakdowns. Our signs use a quality power source that will provide excellent uniformity.

Key components of a neon sign

Tubes: a soft lead glass which is heated, bent and twisted by hand. The cooling and fusing process happens together and is later filled with various gases for different colors.

Electrodes: are made from pure iron and are welded to each end of the tube. High-voltage cables are wired to the transformer with cabling and back bends.

Transformer: used to transfer the necessary voltage from the main power to the electrodes, which in turn makes the gas inside the tubes glow.

Backing panel supports the traditional glass tubes with a steel, wood, or aluminum framework.

Applications of Neon vs. Faux-neon Signage:

Technical differences of LED vs. Neon

While modern LED lighting has become the frontrunner in the signage industry. Traditional neon lighting remains popular. Yet the difference between Neon and LED is not always immediately apparent. The most obvious difference between LED and Neon lighting is that neon lighting is in a glass tube. The light is produced by reactions with an inert gas that releases energy to give off a fluorescent color

Neon signs are used for outdoor decoration as well as interior signs. For this reason, bars and restaurants are where neon signs used. Some business’s use neon signs in ceilings, flooring and walls to enhance the interior of their lobbies and sales floors. The neon creates an unusual approach and is exciting. Photographers also use neon signs in their studios to create unique and interesting shots of their models/objects.

Faux-neon signage were originally used for interior business use only. Older faux-neon signs were primarily found inside convenience and liquor stores. Back in the day, a faux-neon sign was used mostly for official purpose. Such as an “Open” sign or advertising products and services. That has changed and the faux neon products materials are nowavailable for both interior and exterior use. People are using faux-neon signs to decorate their homes and work spaces. Factories, warehouses, banks, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, clothing stores, auto dealership and shopping malls are just a few places where faux-neon signage is a popular choice. Plexiglas faux-neon signs are easy to display on a wall.


Faux-neon signs are almost maintenance free and have dramatically lower running costs. Neon signs require maintenance, especially in a colder climate where ice, fog and snow factor to the neon sign lighting. A trained service professional is required to service your sign.


Neon signs use high voltage and use real glass tubing. There is always the potential for breakage and the old tubes will require special treatment for disposal.  Faux-neon signs are shock proof and have very little heat emitted. Which makes them absolutely safe to use. LED faux-neon signs do not contain detrimental materials like mercury or phosphor.


Neon signs have a warmer, more aesthetically pleasing light than LED signs. On the other hand, LED lights are brighter and can be seen from a greater distance.


Neon signs can come in many colors and is flexible in design. They are reliable and can operate 24 hours a day to better serve your business. Faux-neon signs can be easily controlled by wireless modem & remote control. Faux-neon signs are a new technology and they are increasing in popularity.

How long do LED Neon Lights last?

To conclude, LED Neon signs are incredibly durable, and with a guaranteed lifespan of 100,000 hours. This neon alternative certainly proves to be the best form on the illuminated signage market.


Faux-signs are made using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that are strung closely together so that the light they emit overlaps to create a uniform light source. Faux-neon signs are less prone to accidental damage and are easier to transport from location to location. This makes them a popular choice for exhibitions, temporary displays and shows.

It comes down to each business owner. As to which is the best sign for your business. Consider the pros and cons of neon and faux-neon signs and make an informed decision.Make sure you purchase a sign that your customers will notice and in return bring customers and business.